About me

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student from the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Jilin University, working with Prof. Yi Chang. I am currently a visiting scholar at Michigan State University (MSU), under supervision of Prof. Jiliang Tang.

My research interests lie in the broad area of large-scale graph data mining and machine learning, particularly in deep graph analysis and out-of-distribution generalization.

Email: guokai20 at mails.jlu.edu.cn / guokai1 at msu.edu


Dec. 2023: One paper accepted by Information Sciences, 2023.

Aug. 2023: One paper accepted by Information Sciences, 2023.

Jun. 2023: Begin my visiting at MSUļ¼

Apr. 2023: One paper accepted by ICML, 2023.

Jun. 2022: One paper accepted by AAAI, 2022 (Oral 4.5%).

Selected publication

Out-of-Distribution Generalization of Federated Learning via Implicit Invariant Relationships
Yaming Guo*, Kai Guo*, Xiaofeng Cao, Tieru Wu, Yi Chang.
ICML, 2023

Orthogonal graph neural networks
Kai Guo, Kaixiong Zhou, Xia Hu, Yu Li, Yi Chang, Xin Wang.
AAAI, 2022.


PC members, and reviewers for multiple journals and international conferences in machine learning and data science such as TKDD, TKDE, KDD and ICLR.